Fire Safety

Fire Alarms
House Escape
Safe Meeting Place
Passive Escape Plan
Emergency Supplies
Stop Drop & Roll!
Get Low & Go!
For Parents



In case of an emergency, know how to dial 911 for help. If you don’t know how, ask your parents or older siblings to unplug a phone and show you how. Just remember, dial 911 only in emergencies!

Make sure and post emergency phone numbers by the telephone.

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Make sure you have fire alarms in every level of your house and that they are tested monthly. Batteries should be replaced every six months.

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Go over your house plan and learn two ways out of each room in case of an emergency For instance, one way out would be the door and a second way out could be a window. Familiarize yourself with these two exits. Practice with the whole family every six months.

Safety tip:

In case of fire, you should first check around a closed door by holding the back of your hand against the doorframe and the space between the door and frame. If it’s warm, that’s telling you there's a fire nearby. Use your second exit.

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It’s very important is to have a safe place to meet up with the rest of your family outside the house such as a neighbor’s house, a tree, etc. This should be far enough away from the house and emergency equipment for maximum safety.

Wait at your pre planned safe meeting place. Ask a firefighter for assistance. DON’T ever go back into a burning building!

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If you are unable to leave your home or building have what the firefighters call a passive escape plan.

*  Seal all doors and vents with duct tape or towels to prevent smoke from entering the room.

*  Open a window at the top and bottom so fresh air can enter. Be ready to close the window immediately if it draws smoke into the room.

*  Call the fire department and let them know that you are still inside the building.

*  Wave a flashlight or light colored cloth at the window to let the fire department know where you are located.

*  Alert a firefighter by making noise such as banging items together. Whistling or calling out. Stay calm.

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Assemble a family disaster supplies kit (PDF, 257 KB) and keep a smaller one in the trunk of your vehicle.

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Have a plan for your pets. Know where all the local shelters are and have their phone numbers handy. Stock 3 days extra food and water for your pet in case of emergency. (Go to the Adopt button for more information.)

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In case your clothes were ever to catch fire, it’s very important not to run. Running causes the fire to grow.

STOP where you are.

DROP to the ground. Cover your eyes, nose, and mouth with your hands for protection.

ROLL like a, well roll like Wilshire! Roll over and over until the flames are out.

(View the Stop Drop and Roll movie with Wilshire and firefighter Ryan on the Vids page)

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Smoke is very dangerous! Smoke and heat rise, so during a fire there's cleaner, cooler, and safer air near the floor. 

So you want to get down to the SAFE AREA. Get down as low as you can. Get on your belly and crawl to your nearest escape exit. Remember get under the smoke and GET LOW AND GO!

(View the Get Low And Go movie with Wilshire and firefighter Ryan on the Vids page)

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Prepare an emergency supplies kit

Disaster can occur suddenly and without warning. They can be frightening for adults, but they are traumatic for children if they don't know what to do when these events occur. Children depend on daily routines. When an emergency disturbs their routine, children can become nervous. In an emergency, they'll look to parents or other adults to help.


How parents react to an emergency gives children an indication on how to act. They see their parents' fear as proof that the danger is real. A parent's response during this time may have a long-term impact. Including children in the family's recovery plans will help them feel that their life will return to normal.


Families should prepare an emergency supplies kit (PDF, 257 KB) and develop a plan. Practice your plan so that everyone will remember what to do in an emergency. Everyone in the home, including children, should play a part in the family's response and recovery efforts. Remember: make the plan simple so everyone can remember the details.


Discuss what to do in an evacuation. When told by officials, go immediately to a shelter as instructed or to the home of a friend or relative who lives out of the area. Find out about your local shelters beforehand.


Know evacuation routes. Pre-establish several different routes in case certain roads are blocked or closed.


Family members can become separated during an emergency. Be prepared by creating a plan for how to reach one another. Establish an out-of-area contact (such as a relative or friend) who can coordinate family members' locations and information should you become separated. Make sure children learn the phone numbers and addresses, and know the emergency plans.


Quiz children every six months so they remember what to do, where to go, and whom to call in an emergency.


Decide how to take care of pets. Pets are not allowed in places where food is served, so you will need to have a place to take your pets if you have to go to a shelter.





Planning and practicing a home fire escape plan is a smart thing to do. Get together with your family to draw a plan of your home that includes all windows and doors. Here are some important tips to help you make your plan:


1. Two Ways Out: Every room should have two ways out. One way out would be the door and the second way out may be a window. If your first way out is blocked by fire or smoke you should use your second way out. Emergency escape from a second story window may involve using a home fire safety ladder. If your escape plan includes an escape ladder, practice using it from a first floor window with a grown-up.


2. Working Smoke Alarms: Make sure your home has at least one smoke alarm on every level and outside the sleeping areas. If you sleep with your bedroom door closed, ask a grown-up to install a smoke alarm inside your bedroom. Ask a grown-up to test your smoke alarms each month by pushing the test button, and to replace the batteries once a year or when it makes a chirping sound, which means the battery, is running low.


NOTE: Newer smoke alarms have a universal signal repetition of 3 beeps, followed by a 1 1/2 second pause.


3. Outside Meeting Place: Pick a family meeting place outside the home, where everyone will meet once they have escaped. A good meeting place would be a tree, a streetlight, a telephone pole, or a neighbor's home. Be sure to stay a safe distance from emergency vehicles.


4. Lots of Practice: Practice your plan with your family at least twice a year. Get your family together for tonight and practice your "great escape." Remember: Never go back inside a burning building. Once out, stay out!


If you live in an apartment building, here is some special information for you. In some cases, the safest action when a fire alarm sounds may be to stay inside your apartment and protect yourself from smoke until the fire department arrives. This is called a "passive escape." If escaping is your best course of action, follow your escape plan unless there is immediate danger. Take your key with you in case you are forced to return to your apartment. Always use the stairs - never the elevator- in case of fire alarms. An elevator may stop at a floor where the fire is burning or it may malfunction and trap you.





A checklist to help parents and caregivers consider hazards and make decisions about slumber parties and sleep overs.


"Before you permit your child to sleep over with a friend, talk to the child's parents," says Judy Comoletti, NFPA´s Assistant Vice President for Public Education. "Depending on what you learn, it can either uncover serious fire dangers or give you peace of mind during your child's sleep over."


Before you say "yes"

  How well do you know the home?

  Is the home clean? Does it appear to be structurally sound?

  Is the home in a safe area?

  If the home has security bars on doors and windows, do you know for certain that the bars have quick release devices inside, so your child could get out in an emergency?

  Is your child comfortable in the home and with all the occupants?

  Are you comfortable leaving your child in the home overnight?


How well do you know the parent(s)?

  Are they mature, responsible and conscientious?

  Will they supervise the children throughout the stay?

  Will they remain sober and attentive?

  Are they cautious with smoking materials, matches and lighters, and candles?

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Ask the parents

  Are there working smoke alarms on every level, throughout their home? Are the alarms interconnected?

  Do they have a well-rehearsed fire escape plan that includes two ways out and a meeting place outside?

  Where will your child be sleeping? Is there a smoke alarm in or near the room? Are there two escape routes from the room?

  Will the parents walk through their escape plan with your child?

  Do the parents prohibit bedroom candle use by children?


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